The epiphany of morning 

I was sitting in the midst of  rays of rising sun. The birds were chirping the usual tone of love. It was indeed a beautiful morning. But not so good for me for the fact that i did not had a sound sleep the previous night. Nights are not so comfortable away from home and i was getting used to this fact. 

I gazed the rising sun, the rays were scattering in such a fine manner as if someone is handpicking them.
The trees were flowing with the breeze. Their happiness was so evident as if you could feel them giggling.
The breeze carried its own significant fragrance. I could easily smell the approaching winters.
Birds marked the beginning of a beautiful day in their own words, which they did not keep to themselves instead spread it in the surrounding.
And then there was me, lost in my own thoughts. Nature is sometimes hard on you as it makes you thing beyond your capabilities.
I was thinking who makes this night convert into a mesmerizing day?

 Who makes this sun shine so bright?

 Who makes the tree rise so high?

Who makes the birds chirp so sweet?

Who gives them food?

Who makes the breeze flow?

Where does this fragnance comes from?

Who changes the season?

Who brings out these clouds?

And so there were many such question. And i had no idea where to get the answer. 

Without a clue i was sitting there eager for the answer. Then suddenly i remembered the words of my mother, there is divine power above who makes all this going. He is responsible for everything that happens. And that happens for a reason.
I opened the holy Quran to search for the answers. And i got it all there. So vivid, so evident.
And i was left saying nothing but this,
 “So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?”
Quran (55:13)

Picture credits: Suhaib Husain.    (suhaib.husain on instagram)

Author: suhaib husain

A human with vision and a pocket full of unexposed film. 📷 Photographer | Writer | Philanthropist Believes in Humanity..Believes in Peace..!!

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